Profile: Software Engineer Internship
I am in 3rd year currently, and they wanted me to join from next month as an intern and then join as a full-time employee after 6 months i.e. before 6 months of my graduation.
Selection Process:
- Pre Placement talk followed by an Online test
- Technical Interview
- Managerial Round
Online Test(45 mins): First of all, I got a mail from Redhat that I am invited to take a test. They provided me with a link to BlueJeans. Then they rolled out a form during the PPT and sent the invite based on the response. It was a 45 minutes online test in Hackerrank. I would rate the questions to be easy. There were 23 questions to be solved.
- 2 Questions from a flowchart
- There was a SQL query
- Some aptitude questions
- Some questions from CS fundamentals
- Some were specific to Java, Python, and C++.
They just tested if the basics are clear or not. I almost got full marks on the test I guess as I could answer all of them.
Technical Interview (45 mins): After 3-4 days, I got a call from them and they offered me some slots and I chose one.
- It was a 1-1 technical interview. First, he asked about a few technologies which I did not know and I do not remember now as well as I never heard of it before. I told him given some time I can learn them.
- Then he asked my favorite programming language. I said Java.
- Then he asked the difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder. I forgot this difference so I said I am not able to recall it now.
- Then he asked me about final, finally, finalize keywords. I answered well. He asked about my projects I told him the details. He asked for OS concepts from my projects like Race condition and deadlock. Mixing it up with my project. Also asked a real-life example of Race condition. I could answer this as well.
- Then I got a DSA question to reverse each word in a sentence :
- I solved it within 5 mins with an O(n) solution. He was satisfied and asked some questions based on it. And asked where my code would fail. Basically he gave another test case and I answered how would I tackle that. And then asked me the difference between String and StringBuilder as I had used StringBuilder in the solution. I could answer that.
- Asked few more questions about my project. Asked me if I would join RedHat as I already have an Internship with a PPO. I said I have to think about it a lot and I need some time.
Managerial Interview (45 mins): Basic HR questions were asked to me like why Redhat and what are its products.
- Why do I want to join Redhat having an internship in another MNC.
- Why should they hire me. Am I ethical or not.
- There were some more discussions about why I should join Redhat and some more normal discussions.
- They asked me to reply to them via within 5 days if I would join Redhat leaving the internship I am doing as I said I need some time to take that decision. At last, I asked if I have cleared all the rounds, they said yes.