I got referral for Red Hat six-month Internship through linkedin. And I got test link after two weeks.
Round 1: First round was an online round which consist of two programming questions and three MCQ’s based on dsa. I was able to solve all questions correctly and got mail from recruiter for further process within the week.
Round 2: This round was scheduled ten days after the first round.
This was fully technical round, It was panel of two interviewers, They first asked me about my Introduction and then directly jumped into dsa question. The question was similar to
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-for-balanced-parentheses-in-an-expression/ this question but had some variation. I solved this question easily,
Then she asked about some DBMS and OOPs concepts.
After this second interviewer started asking the questions. The first question he asked me about Processes of Operating system,
Then he switched to python and asked about green threads. I was not good python so most of the questions I was not aware of.
Then he asked about Semaphore and Mutex, I answered this question well.
Then he given some task related to hashmap, I answered this and coded it as well, but he wanted me write code again in python. I was unable to write it in python, so he asked how hashmaps are working internally. I explained the working of hashmaps, and this was last question. This round was of near about 1.5 hrs.
After two days I got mail for manager round
Round 3: This was manager round, She asked about my projects, my contribution in projects.
Since I am GDSC lead so she also asked about club
Then the final question was how much knowledge of python I am having.
This round was of thirty minutes.
After this round I never received any other email so far, I think since I was not good in python could be one of the reason of my rejection. Overall experience I would say the interview was easy.