Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 1,059 views

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Status: B.Tech Final year IT
Company: Uber, India
Position: Software engineer 6 months Intern (OffCampus Hiring)
Stipend: 1.6 Lac per month


Online Test (1 hour 3 questions) :
Platform: Codesignal



    Convert Base2 number to Base6 number, the input can be up to length 100 (100 marks)
    Eg: 1100
    Op: 20



    Longest repeating character replacement - (200 marks)



    Dungeon Game - (300 marks)



Here we wouldn't know whether all the test cases are passed or not. For suppose let's say there are 20 test cases => 10 test cases show correct/wrong and the other 10 test cases will not show whether they have passed or not. Try out solving some problems on codesignal to know better.


Solved 3 questions => score (600/600). Shortlisted for interviews, recieved mail one day before the interview.


One-day recruiting Event
Platform: Zoom + Codesignal
Out of 10,000+ candidates, 95 were shortlisted.


R1 - Coding Round (45 Mins) :



    Started with a brief introduction of the interviewer and myself.



    Moved on to the coding question on codesignal (it is like code pair).


    Given a dictionary in form of a list and a word. Find lexicographically smallest anagram having minimum value after applying a function (sum of abs difference between consecutive characters).


    dict = ["eat","tea","tan","ate","nat","bat","aet"]
    word = "tea"


    Output: "aet"


    dict length < 10^5
    word length < 100


    Explained the approach step by step, and he asked me to code it, initially, I was not getting any output then I put some print statements and checked where it was going wrong, it was a silly mistake corrected it and the interviewer gave some test cases and it was working fine.



Out of 95 candidates, 45 were shortlisted.
R2 - Problem-solving Round (45 Mins) :



    Started with a brief introduction of the interviewer and myself.



    What question was asked in the previous round and what concept you have used to solve it?



    Moved on to the coding question on codesignal :
    Question: Decode ways -
    Follow-up: Decode ways II -


    a. Explained using recursion, and the interviewer asked the time complexity and I said O(2^N).
    b. Then asked me to explain how it was O(2^N), explained with the recursive tree method.
    c. Optimized it using memoization, asked me to explain how the memo array is being filled with an example, I had to dry run with recursion tree.
    d. Finally coded it and was working fine, couldn't reach the follow-up question as the time was only 45mins.



Out of 45 Candidates, 30 were shortlisted.
R3 - Managerial Round (30 Mins) :


  1. Detailed introduction about me.
  2. Why uber?
  3. If you have offers from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, uber, which one would you choose and why?
  4. Some questions about my project.
  5. Favorite subjects and why.
  6. Are you having any offers right now? yes, then why are you attending this interview.


Verdict : Thanks so much for taking the time, we’ve decided to go in another direction at this time.


For more interview experiences check the below link

by Expert (30,360 points)

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