Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 883 views

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Screening Round: Given two arrays of integers and a number X. Find all the pairs where the sum of the number from the arrays is less than or equal to X.
Eg. A = 3 4 2 6
B = 3 5 7 8
X = 8
Sol : Here the closest number is 7 and pairs are.
4, 3
2, 5
Note : The numbers can repeat as well but you need to consider one number only once as in output we needed to print pair of indexes. Also I forgot whether the arrays were sorted or not. You can assume that they were sorted I think.


Round 1 (CODING) : Given a diamond shaped matrix. You need to go from the top to bottom. Find the maximum sum that you can get on the path from top to bottom.
You can only move diagonally in the bottom direction.
2 3
6 7 9
3 4 6 10
7 -10 1
2 8
Here the max sum is 34 Path: 1->3->9->10->1->8->2
You can assume there are only odd number of levels.
Note : In uber in coding interviews you have to write full code. You only decide how to take input and not just implement function.


Round 2(PROBLEM SOLVING) : Minimise number of transactions.
Eg: A -> B : 200
B -> C : 200
Solution : A -> C : 200


Here I wasn’t able to write full code. But I think in problem solving arriving at the correct solution has little more weightage.


Round 3 (DESIGN): LLD for fare generation for a cab service. Suppose you give ride to multiple passengers and you they come at multiple points and drop off at multiple points. At the end of each ride you need to tell the fare to each passenger. Please make the design keeping in mind that in future more factors can come in that affect the fare.For example: Ride can depend on distance, time etc.


Round 4 (BAR RAISER): Mostly project discussions. How you would solve problems in them like scale. Your in depth knowledge of your work is checked. They will through various scenarios at you.


Round 5 (HIRING MANAGER): Project discussion similar to bar raiser. Asked to choose and explain the architecture of one of your projects and then Asked what kind of design choices you made in it. Behavioural questions like : What comments have you received in code reviews, a situation where you had a disagreement with your manager and how did you handle it. Design parking lot : HLD + LLD.
I wasn’t able complete design as time was up not even had got finished as there was db + api discussion
by Expert (30,360 points)

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