Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 865 views

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Uber Internship Interview Experience | On-Campus

Difficulty Level : Hard
Process: Online Test followed by 3 Rounds of interviews

Online Test : Platform: Code-signal

3 coding problems in 60 minutes- All the problems were of Medium-hard level.

Platform for interviews- Zoom + Code-signal
Round 1: Machine coding Round

Time: 40 minutes

Coding Problem :
Design a Multi-Queue managment System for a bank using Object Oriented Programming.

It started with simple discussion to develop queue mangement system with multiple counter and ended with give the solution for priority based customer and waiting time of each customer in the bank.

My approach:
I implemented a class and provide functionality of getCounter and getWaitingTime etc. I was able to implement all functionality as told.

Suggestions :

The interview is very strictly time-bound, and you need to implement and explain in the given 40 minutes only.
Focus on writing clean, and correct code.
Was asked to shorten the code, so that it looks much cleaner
Explain your approach while writing the code, as it may happen that you may not get sufficient time in the end.
You need to come up with a proper data structure and implement each of the functions, with proper reasoning and explanation.
You may need to change your used data structure as interviewer modify your question to some extent.
Brush up your DS knowledge and their operation.
Round 2 Problem Solving round

Time: 40 minutes

Coding Problem :
It was a DP problem. given a range of number [l,r]. Return the total no of set S of given size n where l<=Si<=r whose sum is divisible by 3. Repetition of element is allowed in set.

My Approach:
I started with defining DP state and write the recursive solution for it. I further optimized my code using Memoization.
It could be further optimizable by breaking into cases and some fancy mathematic. I gave him the idea but couldn't implement the most optimal solution due to time constraint.

Suggestion :

The interview is very strictly time-bound, and you need to implement and explain in the given 40 minutes only.
The code is judged for quality, complexity.
If not able to come up with an optimal algorithm to implement a function, go ahead with the less optimal solution first. Implementing something is better than implementing nothing, as the time may run out.
Interviewer might give you some hint if he feel you are unable to approach the problem but always keep in mind each hint comes with penality.
Round 3 HR round
It was simple discussion about my prior experience and projects.

Tips :

Uber interviews are very strictly time-bound, so take care of the time.
The focus is on writing more clean, short, and concise code as possible.

For more interview experiences check the below link
by Expert (30,360 points)

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