Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 928 views

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Hi All,

College: New Grad, MS Computer Science in US
Work ex: 1 intern experience in big tech in Data Science, 2 research internships.

Online Assessment: One Graph question with Karat interviewing platform, 2 hours' time frame was given,
Question: Given all edges in a forest (multiple n-ary trees), print all the start vertex and end vertex combinations.

For this question, I had first built the graph, with HashMap of type <String, List>, and made a list of root vertices
BFS question, starting at all the nodes in the list of root vertices, traverse the graph till the leaf is reached.

Second Round:
Received a call for a video interview by Karat within a couple of days,
This round seemed like a continuation of the online assessment; the interviewer wanted me to solve questions fast so that at least 2 questions could be covered.
The interviewer mentioned that they cared more about the completeness of the solution than the optimality. More graph traversal questions. Level order traversal(BFS) etc.

Onsite Round:
I scheduled the final round within 10 days(next week) of receiving the call, Intuit confirms for the last round one day before the interview, be prepared.
This round was 75 mins long. It starts with discussing a project of choice if you do well in this part the interviewer will not go into much depth about the company values as you would have already covered some of these aspects during the project discussion.
The rest of the interview covered aspects like Priority Queue, fundamentals of object-oriented programming, testing of code.

I got an offer
by Expert (30,360 points)