Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 901 views

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It was a pool drive that recently happened.
Online Assessment-
There were 4 questions. medium to hard. Doing two of them was enough for getting shortlisted. The shortlisitng was kind of random[unclear]. There were some people who did 3 questions and yet not selected in this round. The sad part is that the results were informed after 30 days


Technical Interview:
.In the first half the interviewer asked questions on dbms(ACID properties,Schedules, Joins in SQL,type of keys and indexing). He asked questions on oops(function overloading,inheritance and diamond problem, function overriding,polymorphism and its types with real life examples). In the last part of the interview an easy coding question was asked. Two arrays of numbers were given. We should write a code for checking whether an array is subset of another. It was simple and I coded it fast. The interview lasted for 45 mins.


After 20 days I was informed that I was shortlisted for 3rd round interview.


Techical Interview-2:
In this the interviewers mainly focussed on my project. I was asked to draw ER diagrams for my project. I didnt prepare for that type of question for I explained all that which made sense. Then I was asked a question. There were numbers 1,2,3,....,n. We can make either 1 length or 2 length jumps. We need to start from 1. We need to tell the minimum number of jumps required to reach n. That was simple. But I got tensed at that part and arrived at the answer a bit late.
Then they moved on to the next question.
I get an integer. I need to sort all the digits in the integer and return it. We should not use custom sort. I used count sort approach by taking a 10 sized array and finished the problem in O(n) time complexity n is number of digits in the integer.
It was supposed to be a one and half hr interview. It was finished within 45 mins.


Next day i received a rejection mail.


That was the day I started getting negative thoughts, the result that i was shortlisted took almost one month to reach me, but this rejection took less than 24hr. (Eventhough interviewers looked satisfied to my answers).


I wasnot asked questions like what is meant by ER, i was supposed to draw ER model for my database which i used mongoDB to build. In jump game i gave the answer but "tensed" means I thought i need to do using dp but i immediately correct myself with the right answer.
by Expert (30,360 points)