Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 5,332 views

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Round 1 : ( SD + Coding ) [1Hr]
Live Coding interview with a third party interviewing company called Karat,used for first technical screening. The recruiter mentioned that it would be a 45-50 minute interview, with first 20 minutes revolving around System Design design concepts, followed by coding questions.

**SD Questions: **

Roughly 5 or 6 different scenario based questions were asked revolving around system design concepts. I can roughly recall the following:

For the following scenarios, which would be better - Strong consistency/Eventual consistency. Explain reasons why. About 3 scenarios were given, one of which was a Banking application.

The interview gave a scenario for Google docs and multiple users can access the same document, and google docs uses a Round Robin load balancing approach. Do you see any issues with using such an approach.

One question was related to finding the max throughput of a system. It was sort of like a graph diagram, with various about 6 stages labeled A to F, and the throughput they operate on. I was asked to calculate the max throuhput of the system.

One question was related to a scenario where they were using a relational database, and two tables were provided with a foreign key reference. They wanted to see how we can scale such a system (I believe they were looking for data partitioning/sharding techniques that we could apply.)

Another scenario was something like that there was a bug on an application, and you ended up having a lot of failed requests. You have a database that stores all IDs that are there, and you also have large log files from about 500 different production servers that log the IDs of the successful requests. How would you come up with a solution to find the IDs that were missing/

**Coding Question : **
We are working on a security system for a badged-access room in our company's building.

We want to find employees who badged into our secured room unusually often. We have an unordered list of names and entry times over a single day. Access times are given as numbers up to four digits in length using 24-hour time, such as "800" or "2250".

Write a function that finds anyone who badged into the room three or more times in a one-hour period. Your function should return each of the employees who fit that criteria, plus the times that they badged in during the one-hour period. If there are multiple one-hour periods where this was true for an employee, just return the earliest one for that employee.

badge_times = [
["Paul", "1355"], ["Jennifer", "1910"], ["Jose", "835"],
["Jose", "830"], ["Paul", "1315"], ["Chloe", "0"],
["Chloe", "1910"], ["Jose", "1615"], ["Jose", "1640"],
["Paul", "1405"], ["Jose", "855"], ["Jose", "930"],
["Jose", "915"], ["Jose", "730"], ["Jose", "940"],
["Jennifer", "1335"], ["Jennifer", "730"], ["Jose", "1630"],
["Jennifer", "5"], ["Chloe", "1909"], ["Zhang", "1"],
["Zhang", "10"], ["Zhang", "109"], ["Zhang", "110"],
["Amos", "1"], ["Amos", "2"], ["Amos", "400"],
["Amos", "500"], ["Amos", "503"], ["Amos", "504"],
["Amos", "601"], ["Amos", "602"], ["Paul", "1416"],

Expected output (in any order)
Paul: 1315 1355 1405. // 1315-1415
Jose: 830 835 855 915 930
Zhang: 10 109 110
Amos: 500 503 504

n: length of the badge records array

Verdict : Rejected. I was able to solve SD Questions but not cleared coding question. Below is the link where same Karat company interviewed for Other company.
by Expert (30,360 points)

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