Hi All,
Status: 8 years of experience
Position: Senior SDE at Non FANG
Location: Seattle, WA
Phone Interview Question:
Leetcode 126: Word Ladder 2
Onsite Interview
Round 1: Coding Question 1
Leetcode 88. Merge Sorted Array
Leetcode 75. Sort Colors
Round 2: Hiring Manager
- Deep dive into my background and projects
- Some Behavior questions and Difference betweence (C, C++) and (C#, JAVA)
Round 3: Architecture
I was asking questions about my background and Cassandra architecture
System Design Question:
Design Online Game
Round 4: Bar Raiser
Deep dive into my background and projects
Some Behavior questions:
- What you are essentially looking for in your new assignments?
- Tell me about a time you found a solution to a problem solving.
- Tell me about a time you disagree with your manager.
Round 5: Coding Question 2
- Difference between Http and Https
- Leetcode 146. LRU Cache