Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 984 views

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JP Morgan usually hires Interns + FTE through their event named Code For Good.

It is three step process which is as follows:

Coding Round
HireVue Interview
Code For Good Event
JP Morgan Chase and Co. starts floating mails regarding recruitment in the month of March and usually the event (Code For Good) happens in June-July. So, it’s a long procedure be patient

Round 1: Coding Round

Platform: Hackerrank

Duration: 60 minutes

There are 2 programming questions on basic data structures and algorithms. The level is easy to medium. Having a good grasp over Data Structures and Algorithm can make you easily clear this round.

Round 2: HireVue Interview

Note: Those who clear the coding round are eligible for this particular round.

Platform: HireVue

Duration: 30 minutes

The selected candidates gets a mail regarding HireVue Interview on their registered mail address. In this round, usually two behavioral questions are asked. The questions flashes on your screen and you are supposed to record yourself. You get a maximum of 2 attempts for each questions. Make sure you are fluent and confident in this round. Use the STAR Approach to answer the questions carefully. Normally it takes 10-15 minutes to complete.

The questions during my time were:

1. What are your Career Goals?
2. Recent life experience and what did you learn from it.
Tip: As you are supposed to record yourself, make sure you dressed in formals and have good light, few or no disturbance.

Round 3: Code For Good

Platform: BeMyApp,Slack, Zoom

Duration: 24 hours.

After a long wait of 1 month or so, the TPO releases a list of candidates who have successfully cleared the HireVue and move forward for the next round. Code for good is 24 hour long hackathon organized by JP Morgan. In this hackathon you are required to collaborate with your team members and present a tech solution for the problem statement provided by the NGO. You will be teamed up with 7-8 people from different colleges. You get to know about your team members two days prior the event. So it’s fun finding them and knowing each other strength and weakness. There are various workshops they organize before the event make sure you participate in those as they are quite helpful for the real hackathon. There are two mentors assigned to each team which carefully observe you and help when required. There are SME’s (Subject Matter Experts) available for almost 24 hours in case you are stuck and can’t solve the problem.

During our hackathon, we had a one-to-one interview with our mentors. It lasted for about 30 minutes. Nothing to be afraid of, they basically ask what is your contribution in the hackathon and normal conversation regarding technology, your interests. Make sure you are confident and answer really well in this interview.

Some beneficial tips for the event:

Discuss with your teammates before hand about the tech stack and also get to know each other’s strengths and weakness. It might happen that you don’t know a particular tech and all your team members have knowledge of it. Be open to learn new things on the go and have a learning attitude. (Team work makes the dream work).
Try to brainstorm with your team on various features that you can add on. Make a proper plan of the problem statement and then only move towards coding.
Be mindful about the presentation and also the deadline in which you need to submit the project, presentation on the BeMyApp platform. Make the presentation concise and try to cover all the necessary points.
Make sure you speak up your ideas and approach to solve your problem and have healthy discussion with your teammates.
Although we didn’t win the hackathon but it was a wonderful experience in collaborating with different people and brainstorming the ideas that we can work upon. I learned a lot during this hackathon.
They send special gifts to the winners of the hackathon and send out goodies to all the participants for participating in Code For Good!
After a long wait of 30-45 days, JP Morgan rolls out the names of selected candidates who would be joining their firm. The TPO usually shares the list of candidates.
Out of 35 students selected for Code For Good, 21 people got shortlisted to join the firm as full-time and I was one of them!
All the best for your upcoming interviews!
by Expert (30,360 points)