Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 741 views

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Difficulty Level: Hard

Company Details:

Campus: IIT (BHU)
Interview – Day 0 ( 16 people shortlisted for interviews )
Verdict – Selected ( 5 candidates )
There were 4 rounds. Each of them was an elimination round.
Round 1(Online test – 3 questions, 1 hr, Codesignal):

Base 2 to base 6

Round 2(Technical Round – 30-40 mins): There were 2 interviewers.

They first introduced themselves and asked me for a brief introduction.
They directly jumped on the coding question. They asked a variation of Variable Binary Search. If you want to get an idea about variable binary search you can get idea through question.
I didn’t understand the question at first but interviewer was patient, he explained me through one test case. After few minutes of thinking, I was able to get through the approach of the question. He was impressed by my approach and how quickly I was able to solve it.
After a thorough discussion in that question I was given another question related to graphs. He then asked if I had any questions for him. I asked him one. Then I was called for next round.
Round 3 (Design Round 40 mins): There were 2 interviewers.

They first introduced themselves and asked me for a brief introduction. He was quite impressed by how I introduced myself (Tip: Prepare a good introduction, it will be your first impression ).
System Design Problem using Object-Oriented Programming
Question- Design a grocery shop system with some variations.
He then asked if I had any questions for him. I asked him two. Then I was called for next round.
Round 4(HR + Technical + Project + Internship + Puzzles 60-70 mins):

This was a very long HR round. Here are some of the questions:

Introduce yourself.
Tell me about your hobbies, to which I replied problem solving and exercise. Then he asked me the latest problem you have solved. I told the problem which I solved in last round of uber.
Then he grilled deep into projects , technologies , why I use only those technologies etc.
After that, he went deep into my internship experience and what are the conflicts I faced during internship.
Some HR and Behavioural related question.
Tell me the time you were failed.
Tell me the time when someone was disagree with you, how you reacted.
Strength, weakness.
You can prepare HR and Behavioural related questions from here.

Then he went to the puzzles. We spent approx 15 minutes on puzzles and discussed the optimized approach we can have to that puzzle. I don’t remember exact puzzle.  
You can prepare puzzles from here.
He then asked if I had any questions for him. I asked him two questions.
Don’t forget to like the article and share with your friends.

All the Best !! You will rock it.
by Expert (30,360 points)

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