Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (34,270 points)
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l applied for TCS-NQT Exam on June-23 through my college’s placement section. This TCS-NQT exam was only for selected colleges. The TCS-NQT exam was conducted on the 3rd of June 2022.

The eligibility criteria for this drive included:

  • All branches were eligible.
  • Minimum of 60% in X, XII, and graduation
  • Up to 1 active backlog at the time of appearing for the exam.
  • No more than 24 months of education gap
  • Age between 18 and 28
  • Prior work experience of up to 2 years

Round 1 – Online Assessment Test

This round was a remote/on-site computer-based test for 3 hours

  1. Foundation: The foundation section consisted of aptitude, logical reasoning, and verbal ability-based questions with easy to moderate difficulty. Here, time management is extremely important. In my case, I took a lot of time on aptitude questions, which limited my time on verbal and logical reasoning questions. We weren’t allowed to go back to the previous questions or change sections.
  2. Advanced: The advanced section consisted of aptitude, logical reasoning, and verbal ability-based questions with hard difficulty, but were few in number. This section also contained a coding subsection which was optional for Ninja candidates. In the coding subsection, there were two questions:
    1. Find the string from a given input binary array, where a set of 4 binary digits represented a character from ‘a’ to ‘p’. For example:
   Input: 00110101                  
   Output: de
   Input size n = 8, so there will be two characters in the output string.
   Taking first group, i.e, 0011:
   The first '0' tells us that the character lies between 'a' and 'h'
   The second '0' tells us that the character lies between 'a' and 'd'
   The third '1' tells us that the character lies between 'c' and 'd'
   The fourth '1' tells us that the character is 'd'
   Taking first group, i.e, 0101:
   The first '0' tells us that the character lies between 'a' and 'h'
   The second '1' tells us that the character lies between 'e' and 'h'
   The third '0' tells us that the character lies between 'e' and 'f'
   The fourth '1' tells us that the character is 'f'

                    2. Find the reverse of a number

Although I was able to solve both the questions, due to an error in the software, only the second one got submitted.

Read through the instructions carefully before attempting the questions.

I was selected for the Ninja Profile and my interview was held on 16th July 2022.

Round 2 – Interview Round

The interview process generally consists of three rounds, i.e. Technical Round, Managerial Round, and HR Round. The final number of rounds depends on the interviewer panels taking the interview. For me, they decided to merge all the rounds into one round, which had me worried at first. 

The interview started with the Technical Interviewer asking me about myself and my favorite technologies. I told him C, C++, Basic Java, and Python. Seeing that I know basic Java he jumped at asking me questions related to Java, such as:

  • What is OOPs?
  • Why use Java?
  • How is Java platform independent?
  • What are Singleton classes and Design Patterns in general?

He then turned to questions based on Computer Networks like:

  • How does a browser interact with a server? Explain the whole process.
  • What is a port?
  • How to locate the server?

He then asked me about my projects and internships. He asked me basic questions on them to see if I understood what I was doing.

Then the HR Interviewer started asking me questions that are typical HR round questions such as:

  • What is your approach to solving a problem?
  • What are your interests?
  • What are you most proud of about yourself?
  • What was your study approach?

Then the Technical Interviewer asked me one last aptitude-based question on how would you make 4 triangles with 6 matchsticks.

Although I was able to answer many questions, I was still not confident of getting selected. Neverthless after a week, I got an email from my college Placement section saying that I was selected for Ninja Profile.

Status: Selected.

by Expert (111,330 points)
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ROUND 1 :- TCS Technical  Interview

Question 1: Introduce yourself.

Question 2: What is oops in C++?

Question 3: What is a Static variable?

I answered these questions then we moved on to the projects. I had a Machine Learning project on Stock Price Prediction and an E-commerce website using Django.
The TR asked me to explain my ML project and then asked me some questions about it.

Question 4: Explain your project (Machine Learning).

After I had explained my project and answered his questions, which lasted around 15 minutes, the MR interviewer started asking questions.

The MR interviewer first asked me to explain my second project, which was the E-commerce website. I gave him an explanation about it.
Once that was over, he asked me some questions about my Machine learning project.

Question 5: What is the exception in this project?

After I answered this question he asked me about my preference for technologies.

Question 6: Which technologies would you prefer working with? 

I answered by saying that my first preference is Data Science and ML and my second preference is Cloud Computing.
On this, he asked me some questions about Cloud Computing and AWS.

Question 7: How did you learn about AWS? Was it offered in your college?

I told them that my college did not provide AWS. However, I worked on DevOps in AWS during my third year.

He was satisfied with this answer and moved on to the next question.

Question 8: Why do you want to join TCS?

I answered the questions.


ROUND 2 :- TCS HR Interview

After this, the HR Interviewer started questioning.
First, she verified my SSC Diploma and degree document. Then he asked me some basic questions like,

Question 1: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Question 2: Will you be able to relocate?


I answered all these questions and then she asked me if I had any questions for the panel.

I asked them whether there was anything in particular that can be a matter of concern about me? And if there is anything I can improve on?

The interviewers answered my questions and then I was asked to leave the interview. I wished them farewell and then left.

Two days later I got the results that I was selected for the TCS Digital Profile.

by Expert (34,270 points)