Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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Dear people, 

I am 2019 pass out after completing my post graduation related to information technology.

From 2019 onwards I have worked in tcs for a support project, project wise I could'nt learn much.

I have recenly joined a service based company in month of Jan 2022 with a 2x increase in package. but here work was again not satisfied I am into a manual testing role.

I am very much intrested to Join Fanng.

which is the best step should I take


  • Since you are working in testing domain try for other company and get some experience atleast 6months - 1 yr and try for SDE 2 role in Fanng Companies


  • Try for SDE 1 in Fanng Companies with out changing the job.


please can you suggest which would be the best step to take I have offer for another service base company with only slightly increase in package.






in FAANG by (300 points)
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2 Answers

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Best answer
As you only have experience related to testing , you are more eligibile towards the SDE(1) side of the spectrum of product based companies. So ramp up your dsa skills and rock the interviews !!
by Expert (128,600 points)
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by Expert (128,600 points)