Almost all the service-based company employees who want to make the switch to product-based companies come across the question, how hard is it to make the switch from service-based companies to product-based companies?
Getting into product-based companies could be comparatively more difficult than getting into service-based companies. While hiring candidates, service-based companies generally take rounds which include aptitude, basic coding, and interview.
Whereas product-based companies generally take rounds which include online coding assessment, behavioral and technical interviews, clearing these rounds is not as easy as competing for coding and interview rounds of service-based companies. They are more focused on problem-solving skills. But, as long as you remain consistent with your efforts, it’s not that tough to make a shift. Many employees had made a switch to product-based companies in less than one or two years.
Although, being a worker of a service-based company, you might be at a bit of a disadvantage as most recruiters from product-based companies search for candidates who are already working in some product-based company. But if you know the right way to grab the eyes of recruiters, then it will be only a matter of execution. If you have friends in product-based companies who can refer you or have a stunning LinkedIn profile that can influence seniors, it will make the process a lot easier.
If you’re working on technologies like machine learning, big data, or doing some development in your current organization, then it’s easier for you to make a switch. But most of the people work on support projects in service-based companies, which reduces their chances of making a switch as there is not much scope of learning in these projects, and it does not look good on a CV. The time you have spent working on these projects might not be considered in years of experience when applying for a software development engineer role in product-based companies.