Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Service-based-companies by Expert (34,270 points) | 2,110 views

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I have myself switched from TCS to Intuit with 2.5 years experience and thus am writing this answer, hoping it would help all aspirants.

Firstly, congratulations that you thought of making this transformation.! This first step is the most important and the most difficult step. So, you are already one step ahead.

Coming to the question, honestly speaking, it is difficult to crack a product company, whether you come from a service company or a tier 3 college or whatsoever. It is tough!

But, you have already made up your mind, right?

So, here's what you can do (and what I did):—

While in TCS, there was a time when I worked as a support engineer. I transitioned myself to a developer first and then an engineer in a product company.


Short answer - Consistency!

Detailed answer —

  • Pick any one coding language
  • Start practicing DSA.
  • Devote atleast 2 hours everyday (anyhow).

If you are a complete beginner, start by reading basic concepts (Arrays, Strings) from GFG and solve questions on GFG itself (You can also use leetcode — easy and medium in the beginning of first/second month).

There will come a phase when you will get demotivated, but don't stop. Just keep practicing. Move on to advanced DSA concepts (Trees, Graphs, DP) and once you think you have got a hold of the concepts, start practicing on Hackerrank (I have given majority of initial screening rounds of top product companies on this platform. So, it would be beneficial if you are familiar beforehand). By this time, you would have completed four months. (It will be a long journey, so, stay patient)

Here's when you start applying! - Naukri / LinkedIn (try to get referrals), offficial career sites. Try each and every possible way.

Once you start facing interviews, do read the fundamental programming concepts (You can also try to do a free online certification, if possible) and try to create some projects on your own (which you can display in your resume). Majority of us miss this crucial step and hence either don't get calls or are unable to convert the calls. Presentation matters! And thus, a presentable resume is important.

Remember that you will have to face rejections. A lot, may be! (Pehle to coding round nahi nikalega, then TR, then HR (worst) Isn't it?) But, don't step back. Keep searching and keep practicing till you reach your destination.

by Expert (34,270 points)