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The roadmap below is intended for beginners to reach an intermediate level.
in Tutorials-Roadmap by Expert (138,250 points)
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Step-0 : Learn about graph representation from here->

1)First things first , BFS and DFS , these two topics should be completely clear for you and you should have a strong command in these . As being strong in these two, will make rest of the journey of graphs for you easy . These are the building blocks and the needed fundamentals.

2)Watch these videos and resources to learn these :-





In general follow this pathway for your preparation :  {Credits->Prabal Jain}


Minimalistic RoadMap:
1. Basics of Graph: Dil aur dimag mein baithana hai
2. BFS and DFS: Classicals like cycle finding and counting components + more -> get a basic feel of BFS DFS
3. Basic Classical Algorithms: SSSP[Dijkstra and Bellman] and all pair [Floyd Warshall]
4. Some more Practice of BFS and 3rd point Questions
5. Topological Sort and Kahn's Algo [at least 3 questions to make up in mind]
6. Union Find and MST [5Questions for Mind Makeup]



v)Solve these set of problems and use these resources for further steps : -

{If you encounter new topics while solving these graph problems , then watch their videos and resources before trying to solve the  problem}.


Their resources :- 

For a complete overview of all important algorithms in graphs (especially for top companies’ coding interviews) , you can go through these two youtube playlists :- 





iii)Abdul Bari has the best videos on a few of the graph topics so do search them a bit.

iv)Knowing BFS,DFS,connected components,and some popular algorithms is enough for your prep for coding interviews. You don’t need to go further than that.









Solve these-





3)Resource : 


4)Solving these problems will make your graph preparation very strong(some of the later problems are advanced , so solve these according to your preparation level):---> 

(Solution to every problem is  available on internet}


5)Best list of problems and resources :-












Good List of problems for FAANG/top pbcs :- 

1. Surrounded Regions

2. Number of Islands

3. Course Schedule II

4. Evaluate Division

5. 01 Matrix

6. Number of Provinces

7. Redundant Connection

8. Employee Importance

9. Max Area of Island

10. Accounts Merge

11. Flood Fill

12. Network Delay Time

13. Is Graph Bipartite?

14. Find Eventual Safe States

15. Keys and Rooms

16. Possible Bipartition

17. Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column

18. Regions Cut By Slashes

19. Satisfiability of Equality Equations

20. Rotting Oranges

21. Find the Town Judge

22. Number of Enclaves

23. As Far from Land as Possible

24. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix

25. Number of Closed Islands

26. Number of Operations to Make Network Connected

27. Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance

28. Time Needed to Inform All Employees



My  personal list of graph problems :- Would be updated soon.


by Expert (138,250 points)