Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 983 views

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Current: ~3 yr experience, Tier 3 college
Position: SDE 2
Location: Bangalore, India
Date: October, 2022



    Round 1: DSA and problem solving


    1. Binary search variation
    2. Linked list medium problem

    Round 2: Java and LLD


    1. was asked to explain project
    2. arrayList v/s linkedList
    3. runnable v/s callable
    4. questions on executor service
    5. dependency injection and IoC
    6. IoC container
    7. qualifiers(was aked to code this based on a scenario given)
    8. other spring boot annotations
    9. some scenario and output based problems
    10. SOLID principles
    11. design patterns
    12. 2 sql queries
    13. asked to design snake and ladder(class diagram only)

    HM Round


    1. In depth discussion about project
    2. biggest challenge faced till now
    3. how do I approach a new problem
    4. Strengths
    5. why leaving current job
    6. what do I know about walmart
    7. explained about org and the project

    HR round:


    1. Why walmart
    2. why leaving current job
    3. what are my expections from walmart
    4. notice period
    5. current comp
    6. expected comp


Status: Waiting on recruiter to release offer letter, it takes around a week(as per discussion in HR round)

by Expert (30,360 points)