Walmart SDE3 :--
Round 1: Android
- Coroutines
- Activity and Fragment lifecycle
- Services
- Launch Modes
- Job Schedulers
- Local BR
- Lazy and Lateint
- Singleton class
Round 2: Design
- How you will Design Uber
Round 3: DS And Algorithm
- Find the right max for every element in an array
- Sorting a large data which contains the age of students
- Binary Tree TopView
- Add Two LL
- Check LL is Palindrome
- Find an error in BST
- Loop in LL
Round 4: Managerial
Mostly behaviour questions.
I cleared all the rounds but they offered a very low compesation as per my expections which was 21 LPA fixed and 4-5L which includes bonus and Stock. I recently joined a service based company that is giving me fixed 20 LPA which is in Delhi-NCR and i declined the offer to go Banglore for 1LPA as Banglore is more expensive and I have to live alone on own expense as in Delhi I am living with my Family.