Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 1,079 views

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I applied to around 20+ positions in expedia for sde1,sde2 for frontend,backend, fullstack.
Finally, got OA link after applied through refferal in the start of july.


Online assesment : 3 questions were asked , one LC easy, one LC medium and one LC hard was able to solve easy and medium one in 90 mins. Got call from HR for basic details, as I was working at TCS (90 days notice period), I was asked to contact them when I will be middle of my notice period.Was connected to them in mid of Sept.Finally my interview was scheduled.


DSA1 :
was able to solve both of them in 1hr.


DSA2 :
was not able to come up with right approach but was not able to write correct code in 1hr.
was able to solve in 15 min .


LLD: I was asked to design google maps.Discuss about requirements and was able to write complete working code with help of recuiter.


Manager Round: I was asked questions around design patterns, languague, solid principles, good code structure and deployment techniques. I was working as angular developer and role was for java developer, was asked questions around that and behavioural questions.After that he was happy and asked if I have any questions.I asked a lot of questions and then finally said fingers crossed let see.


Result : I tried to know about the result but after 15 days I got a call that I have been shortlisted for the role but offer will be given after some time.
Then I tried to reach out to them after 20 days heard back that they have freeze hiring and will role out the offer to me next when they will again start hiring and after 10days I am going to join new organisation.


Suggestion: Never believe a recruiter keep giving interviews until your last day becuase anytime any offer can be declined.

by Expert (30,360 points)

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