Technical Round 1: This round is based on DSA. 3 questions were asked.
Given an array, check whether it is possible to get two numbers from the array with sum k.(the easy-this question is asked just for comforting purposes)
Given a problem on graph
This was a hard problem, I discussed my approach.
(Hint is given by interviewer- Two Stack+segment tree…………..lmao!! ded)
Technical Round 2: This round is also based on DSA. 3 questions were asked.
(IMP- Question is easy but you should be clear about each and everything that will give you an edge [Believe me])
Convert string a to string b. You can do the following operations on string a,
1) replace a character (basically a[i]=b[j],something like this)
2) insertion of any element
3) delete any element
Output: Minimum number of moves to convert string a to string b.
Interviewer was quite impressed by my problem-solving skills and how I approach any problem.
So for the last question, she said to implement this question which was easier than the previous one.
Given a string s, output all valid IP addresses we can make out of it.
(My approach: Backtracking)
(Tip: Your way of writing code and approaching problems matters a lot. Be clean and clear with your code. Don’t hurry, take your time and then answer)
HR round: This round is somewhat scary. (Be prepared)
Firstly, the interviewer introduced himself and talked about his work, and asked me if I have any questions.
Then I introduced myself and also answered how I landed up being in Computer Science.
Then some general questions about me and college.
Now comes the interesting part, Brief about the projects You have done.
Then he said lets, deep-dive, into the projects and asked me so many questions which require a great understanding of the projects. So don’t fake anything, answer everything wisely, and be prepared.
After a great discussion on projects, he checked my core knowledge of OOPs by giving some questions on output(nice questions actually ), and covered almost all concepts of OOPs.
At last, he asked me if I have any questions.
Pro Tip: Be Genuine and Calm.
Verdict: Selected