Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 705 views

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Phonepe Problem Solving Interview Experience (Off Campus)

  • Experience: 6 months


Overall interview experience was nice, the interviewer was also great.


First we both introduced ourselves then moving on with the interview.


  • First question
    • There is a restaurant and restaurant serves n dishes, each dish has a quality and a price.
    • A dish is considered better if the quality and price of it is higher than other dish.
    • Given n dishes find minimum number of changes in quality remove the above condition for any pair of dish.


I could not able to solve this, the hidden concept was "Longest Increasing subsequence", by sorting the array based on prices then applying LIS.



    Second question



    Thid question, was related to finding maximum number of points can a rabbit make while reaching to the end of array provided maximum number of jumps k he can hoop.


    • Was a simple DP question but the discussion went more keeping tracking of maximum value of the moving window of size k.


For example, to reach index i I can jump from i-k... i-1. Right ? How I can keep track of maximum value of window while this window will be moving(like a queue) during the iteration. Sucks, I couldn't come up with satisfactory answer so he told we can use deque.


I don't think I will recieve a call considering I was able to solve only 2 questions (one and a half).


Edit: The third queston is related to

by Expert (30,360 points)

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