Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 808 views

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Cisco recently visited my campus for 2 roles:

Software Engineer
Data Engineer
(Eligible branches were CSE, CSBS, and ISE only with a Minimum 8.5 CGPA)

Round-1(mode: Online, Test Duration: 1 hour)

The first round comprised of 25 MCQ questions including aptitude, logical, C/C++ output questions, and technical portions.
Quantitative aptitude and Logical part were much more predominant, the questions were more intuitive and not typical paper pen/formula based. They were not very difficult.
The technical aptitude part covered questions from computer networks, operating systems, and data structures (particularly linked list). C output questions were also there.
Suggestion: I would suggest doing practice from sites like Indiabix, as it will give the confidence to solve problems.

 After Round-1, 27 students were shortlisted for round-2.

Round-2(mode: Online, Duration: 1:15 mins)

 45 minutes on my projects and rest on DSA,OS.
This round started with questions on my projects. I had 2 projects on SQL, and 2 on ML. Since my interviewer had the experience of 20 years as data analyst, most of the questions were asked on my ML projects.
They asked me to write few codes from my projects, asked about various scenarios related to my project, how exceptions are handled.
They asked me to code factorial using recursion, and implementation of linked list.
Few standard questions on OS, prepare on DBMS, Networks also since my friends were asked on these topics.
Suggestion: Practice questions on gfg, refer Codehelp by Love Babber channel for OS and competitive coding. Do good projects.

After Round-2, around 15 students were shortlisted for managerial round.

Round-3(mode: Online, Duration: 45 mins)

This round had scenario based questions to test my managing skills and ability to solve team conflicts. Asked me about plans on future studies.
Questions on Software Engineering( go through important software engineering questions ).
Every single detail that was mentioned in my resume was discussed.
After Round-3, 6 were shortlisted for HR round.


In this round HR asked me to introduce myself, then discussed about job role, preference of work location.
Finally, 6 people were selected. Everyone got Software Engineering role.

Final Tips:

Make sure you know every small detail about your project because you will be asked to explain all your projects in both rounds 2 and 3.
Don’t fake anything in the resume.
Keep something to eat with you as the recruitment process started at 8:30 in the morning and went till 6:30 in the evening.
Make sure you give concise and clear answers in the managerial round.
Practice some puzzles as those were asked from my friends.
Be confident, Keep a smile.
by Expert (30,360 points)