About the offer:
Location: Bangalore
Stipend: INR 65,000
TC: 24,73,633 (base + bonus + other benefits)
Online Assessment:
Platform: HackerRank
15 MCQs on Computer Networks, DB, Embedded Systems.
2 coding questions, medium difficulty.
Time: 1 hour
Pre-Assessment Round:
Platform: HackerRank
1 easy - medium level difficulty question
Time: 30 min
Technical Round:
Platform: Cisco WebEx
Self-intro, resume vetting, questions from topics mentioned in the resume were asked.
Networks - TCP/UDP, tracert, ping, what happens when opening www.cisco.com on browser, other easy - moderate level network questions.
1 design based question. Was asked to design and list down the test cases for vending machine. (User interaction point, payment, inventory control)
1 easy level coding question based on frequency maps, extensions from the same were asked.
Design an API framework for logging using Linux commands.
Linux, terminal commands, DevOps knowledge were tested.
Time: 1 hour
Managerial Round:
Platform: Cisco WebEx
General questions on what'd you do apart from tech.
Usual HR questions, e.g. How to solve a conflict, what'd you know about Cisco, iPhone vs Android, CSK vs RCB.
Time: 45 min
HR discussion:
Platform: Cisco WebEx
Self intro, package, location, greatest accomplishments, why Cisco, Cisco's competitors, higher studies plan, current offers.
Time: 15 min