Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 1,115 views

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I’m sharing my on-campus experience but it’s very much the same for off-campus too. Atlassian has 3 rounds for hiring their intern which include

  1. Coding Round
  2. Technical Interview
  3. Values round (similar to HR round)

So it came to our campus in the last week of June for hiring grads and interns and we have to apply for the role with a resume. And after a day or two, we got a list of shortlisted students and similarly, after a few days, we got the test link.

Coding Round: In the coding round, we were asked 3 questions based on DSA and the levels of the questions were easy to hard. From which the first question was a famous question based on HashMap and can be found on the internet. The other 2 questions were from the topics like Dynamic Programming and DFS.

In my case, I solved 2 questions and got the invitations for an interview. But I’d like to share an important point here that since I’m from a private tier 3 college hence more than 4000 students were appearing for the exam and there were many folks (around 300) who have solved 1 or 2 questions but still they didn’t get the interview invitation. After discussing with a few of my friends who also gave the coding challenge but didn’t receive the interview link I noticed a few points :

  • They switched the tab (accidentally or intentionally).
  • Their resume is missing projects.
  • Their CGPA is below 7.5

I’m not sure about the third point but the first two were very important to be taken into consideration.

Technical Interview: After giving my coding round shortlisted students were informed by our placement cell and I was surprised to see that the number from 300 students is now 30 students. We were told that we’re having our technical interview scheduled tomorrow (i.e. 1 July) and then I revised a few topics like graphs, trees, DFS, BFS, etc.

  • So today is 1 July and I’m having my technical interview from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM (1 hr.). I joined the meet and there were 2 interviewers, they asked me to introduce myself, and then without wasting any time we jumped into the DSA part where I was asked one question based on the Greedy algorithm. And here I’d say that if you’ve practiced enough questions in the Greedy algorithm then you will easily crack the logic. In my case, I was able to figure out the logic because I’ve practiced enough questions on LeetCode and GFG.
  • Then I asked him about the possible edge cases, constraints, etc., and then started explaining my brute-force approach which has a time complexity of O(n^3).
  • He asked me to optimize it then I told him the possible data structure we could use to optimize the solution and he said let’s code this by making use of an unordered map. Then I coded up my logic using a map and now the Time Complexity has decreased to O(N) and Space of O(N).
  • He said “I’m pretty much satisfied with the solution! and as the time has come to end feel free to ask any questions you have” then I asked about him, about the company, about the work-life balance, etc. and the interview finally ended.

After 5-10 mins I got an invitation to give my last round which was the values round.

Values Round: After I got the invitation I started reading about the values that the company has and I must say this company is aligned with the best values. With this, my last interview got scheduled and I was asked to introduce myself and then my interviewer asked me to share my past experiences. I have done one internship as a backend developer before so, she asked me everything about that role. Questions similar to what are the things I’ve done, what is the benefit the company got with my contributions, etc. And there were a few behavioral questions around 3-4 and I answered them using the STAR technique. In the end, the interviewer was pretty much satisfied with my performance and she asked me if I have to ask anything. I asked a few questions about the interviewer, their experiences, etc.

And with this, all my rounds have been completed and after 1 week I got a list of 3 students who were selected for the SWE Intern’23 role and I was one of them.

by Expert (30,360 points)

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