I got the mail regarding the shortlisting of my resume on 20th Feb 2022 and the online test was scheduled for 23rd Feb 2022.
Round 1 – Online Assessment: The test pattern was:
In the first section, there were 10 Aptitude questions for which we were given 20 mins, here I was able to solve 9 questions.
In the second section, there were 7 Debugging questions which comprised of logical errors, syntactical errors, and complete the function for which we were given 20 mins, here I was able to solve 6 questions.
In the third section, there were 3 Coding questions for which we were given 60 mins that were mainly medium-hard questions and I was able to solve all of them.
After the assessment, I got the call for an interview on 25th Feb 2022 and my first interview was scheduled for 28th Feb 2022.
Round 2 – Technical Interview: The interview started with the introduction of the interviewer followed by my introduction. I was asked questions from DSA, OOPs, and DBMS, mainly SQL queries. I was also asked the questions from OS but I told the interviewer that I am not comfortable with the topic. As this was my first ever interview, I was a bit nervous but the interviewer was friendly and she helped me to overcome my nervousness.
After the first round, I got the call from my recruiter on 2nd March 2022 that I have cleared my 1st round and my second round (Tech + HR) was scheduled on 4th March 2022 which was later rescheduled to 7th March 2022 on my request.
Round 3 – Technical + HR Interview: In the second interview, I was more confident and relaxed as now I had a previous interview experience and my interviewer was very friendly that too boosted my confidence. The interview started with the introduction of the interviewer followed by my introduction. Then he directly jumped to a coding question on which the discussion went for about 15 mins. The interviewer seemed satisfied by my approach and proceeded to my resume where he asked questions about my project both group and personal. Later he asked me about my experience and role in group projects and some more behavioral questions. Also, he asked some questions related to the OOPs concept. I was able to answer all his questions and he also seemed satisfied by my answer. At last, he asked me if I have any questions from him to which I got the answer to my question. On 14th March 2022, I finally got the mail from my recruiter that the result of my interview was positive, and was offered the role of Technology Analyst as a summer intern.
Verdict: Accepted!
Few Additional Tips:
Don’t panic in the interview.
Write a clean and readable code and try to follow OOPs norms.
Never brag in your resume and be honest with your interviewer.
Don’t miss the opportunity to ask a good question to the interviewer.
All the best for your interviews