I got a call from HR (some 3rd party HR that works for Morgan Stanley) for a Job application. I shared an updated resume over mail and got the test link in a few days to be finished by that weekend.
Round 1 – 15th June (Online Coding round): Online coding test -70 mins Around 13 questions
2 SQL queries
1 coding question
Remaining 10 were based on Java and spring boot
Round 2 – 18th June – (DS Algorithm + Java: 1hr):
Few Coding questions
Java Concepts. Many questions about java were asked, which I don’t remember now.
Round 3 – 18th June (HLD + LLD- 1 hr): After a brief introduction, he asked to open a Text editor (that doesn’t recommend any code)
Overriding and overloading in Java – Just warm-up
Design chess game – Complete design of chess with all use cases and covering all the scenarios. However I don’t have any expertise in chess, but the interviewer was very well versed with the concepts and his queries that made me write code for chess. At every line of code, he was asking what are you achieving with this code, and he used to suggest another way to write that logic, then he asks if your logic is correct or mine. Although both the logic was correct only, I need to select the optimized one. So sometimes his logic was good, sometimes mine.
He was very well versed with the usage of proper Java programming features, so it was an overall very very nice experience. Even I told the interviewer as well that even if I don’t get selected I enjoyed this round of interviews and learned a lot. He smiled and said it was a nice discussion for me as well.
Round 4 – 18th June – (DS + HLD + Java -1hr):
Sort a string – I used comparator, he asked me to use anonymous class.
Coding:- Design a stack that gives to min in 0(1) – provided him with multiple approaches
Asked about design principles in depth
Multithreading, lock, synchronization, executor service.
Event handling in java. Given an entity E and multiple classes are using this entity. Let’s say some class that is using E, modified its content. So all the other class that is using this E should get notified about the update.
Some more questions were asked, which I don’t remember now. Overall this interview was good.
Round-5 – 21st June (HM: 30 min ): It was purely a team fit round. Questions were based on behavior.
Tell me something about yourself.
Why do want to switch?
Why do you think that you will be beneficial for us?
If I ask your friends about you, what will be their views.
What makes a team perfect
How many members are there in your team? How many of them are girls?
Do you think that girls work equally as software developers or they should be in the HR or networking domain.
Things which you regret about. The bad thing about you.
Any questions?
I asked him the following questions:
What is your current role?
What will my role be?
He was having 13 yrs of experience in Morgan Stanley and he was working as VP He was working on a product to help investors to invest in stocks at right time (Hedge Funds). They were hiring for their team. In Morgan Stanley, generally, the team for which you are getting hired will take your interviews. This round was very nice, the interviewer was very polite and observant. The next day(22nd June) got Mail from Hr “Documents Required”.
Round-6 (HR round): Got mail on 23rd June for HR round on 24th June
Basic discussion. – Introduction
Your achievements – My Onsite journey, FSD Certified
Offers you already have
Why you want to join Morgan Stanley
Expected salary
Career Goals
This was a very basic round and HR was very polite and was trying to understand my expectation.
Verdict: On 28th June, I got a call from HR and she explained to me my overall salary structure. That was one of the happiest moments of my life as I was not expecting this much of an offer from them, it was more than what I wrote in my expected salary.
“This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness”