Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 1,002 views

1 Answer

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Status: 4 YOE, BSc in Computer Science, UK University
Position: Software Engineer at Non-FAANG Company
Location: London, UK
Date: Sep 2022

Application Process:

Applied online through hiring manager via LinkedIn
Received link to Online Assessment 1 day later
Online Assessment (1.5 hours):

Similar to Make Array Zero by Subtracting Equal Amounts
Similar to Substring With Largest Variance
Multiple choice questionnaire around ways of working and situations
Received email to schedule on-site 1 day later, scheduled for ~3 weeks later
Virtual On-Site (4 stages):
Programming/DS and Algorithms Interview (30 mins) + Leadership Principles (20 mins):

"Dived deep into a complex issue to find the root cause"
"Made something simple for customers"
"Used a simple solution for a complex problem"
Similar to Analyze User Website Visit Pattern
Programming/DS and Algorithms Interview (30 mins) + Leadership Principles (20 mins):

"Went above and beyond for a customer"
"Failed to meet a commitment"
Similar to Course Schedule
Programming/DS and Algorithms Interview (30 mins) + Leadership Principles (20 mins):

"Interesting or complex project, and learnings from it"
"Took a risk on a decision"
Design a contact class and API for inserting, searching (pretty simple using nested hash-maps)
System Design Interview (30 mins) + Leadership Principles (20 mins):

"Strongly disagreed with your manager or peer"
"Tough or critical piece of feedback you received"
Design a system to ingest IOT sensor data, store and display it

Received email around positive feedback ~1 week later
Received actual offer call + email another ~1 week later
Total Compensation ~£155,000 / year
Offer Details
by Expert (30,360 points)