Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 901 views

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Education: Bachelor's from Tier-2 college
Position: Software Intern at Airbnb (6 months)
Locations: India
Date: August, 2022
On-campus opportunity


2 medium-hard questions


  • Binary search based question, was able to solve completely
  • String based question where number of palindromic substrings needed to be found, with some conditions applied. Was able to solve partially


Onsite (3 rounds)


Coding Round:


  • 1 leetcode hard question, Russian Doll Envelopes
  • I gave the approach for the DP solution of O(N^2) time complexity, which the interviewer then asked me to code. He gave me 2 test cases to pass, which required some modification in the code for the larger test case and that took some time.
  • Emphasis was on working code and passing the test cases.
  • He then asked me to optimise it to O(NlogN) complexity, but due to shortage of time, I was not able to write code for that.


Problem Solving round (kind of Low Level Design):


  • Design a call history manager; where calls appear in chronological order, there is only 1 latest entry for each person who called, and we need to store name and phone number of people who called.
  • It was an application of LRU cache, where we needed to design the data structures and the get and put functions.
  • I tried out different approaches before coming to the LRU cache approach, with hints from the interviewer as well.
  • Emphasis was on thinking capability, discussion of time and space complexity of every approach. Only pseudocode was needed.


Managerial Round:


  • Questions on Projects and general discussion on how to add different features to the project
  • DBMS + HR questions


Verdict: Selected!


The interviewers were super helpful and the process was quite smooth. The HR questions were quite interesting as well. Overall it was a great experience.

by Expert (30,360 points)