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I have heard after joining tcs there is no such work of Nextstep like we have another portal as Ultimatix what is it
in Service-based-companies by | 11,554 views

2 Answers

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Do not worry over such issues.

Write a mail to HR , explaining the issue and reason as well as get in touch with Talent Acquisition team via call.

You can ask your query to : in help & support section and they will help you out with your problem :-)

Also send them your ID proofs.

Mostly you need to make a affidavit.
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Not an issue at all.Since you have applied by nextstep ,your are a fresher and faculties at ILP centre will help you.Once you join the company,you will get access to internal portal named Ultimatix,you can simply edit your name there and submit a valid proof to the corcerned person at ILP.Issue arises only name mismatches between your certificates.TCS is chill ,they give opportunity to correct our mistakes.All the best
by Expert (137,140 points)