Total Number of Rounds - 5
Round 1 - Online Codility
2 Questions (1 on Array & 1 on Binary Tree)
Both were Medium Level Questions.
Round 2 - DSA Coding
1 :- A list of songs is present and we need to generate a random function , such that a random song should be played each time.
Extension to this - A song which is placed at the first turn should now repeat after at least K turns. After K turns, the probability of playing this song should be equally distributed.
2 :-N-Ary Tree is present and Root Node has K chocolates which it needs to divide among it's children equally . This distribution will continue till leaf Nodes. We have to print the count of chocolates with each Node after overall division.
Round 3 - HLD
Design Nearby App.
Main Focus was on how users will be shown nearby restaurants/clinic/salons etc whenever he opens an app.
Round 4 - DSA, Coding and LLD
1 :- Find out frequency of each element in Array in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity
Numbers in array are from 1<= v [ i ] <= n
2 :- Design LRU Cache after detailed discussion on Cache , their usage, Architecture etc.
Round 5 - Cultural Fit with Sr. Engineering Lead
** Practiced GFG and Leetcode non-stop for 2-3 Months (Kind of Revision)