Microsoft | SDE2 | Hyderabad | Aug 2022
Education: B.Tech in CSE tier 2
Years of Experience: 3+ Years
Prior Experience: MNC
Company: Microsoft
Title/Level: SDE 2 level (L61)
Location: Hyderabad
Round 1:
Codility test, Two questions, Robot walk and count anagrams.
Round 2:
F2F, 2 Questions, Minimum Window Substring and LCA for BST.
Round 3:
F2F, Design BookMyShow (API and DB design, concurrency), Asked to code LRU Cache, then asked the approach for LFU. Then asked about strategy design pattern.
Round 4:
Manager Round, Deep Dive into previous work experience, kubernetes, database and linux internals and then was asked to do HLD and LLD for an Authentication Service.
Round 5 :- HR Round
**Offered after 3 Days.Rejected the offer, Had competing offers, decided to go ahead with Meesho.