Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 866 views

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Microsoft | L61 | Bangalore | April 2022 | SELECTED


Status: 4yrs of Exp

Position: SDE2 at startup in india

Location: Bangalore


Team : Azure

The interview had following rounds

Technical phone screen (30 mins):

1 . Questions around leaving current company

2 .  Distributed systems designing.


First Round (1hr):

2 questions .

1. One easy one medium. Was able to code the first one easily.

2 . Required help in the second question. Due to time limitations I was only able to come up with a base condition in recursion.


Second Round (1hr):

1 . Serialize and deserialize a heterogeneous linked list

     Discussed multiple approaches and wrote code for one

2.  At the end a few questions on distributed systems.


Third Round (1hr):

1.  lld based open ended design problem .

2. Similar to the snapshot version in map . Have done the same problem on leetcode once.

3. Had a good discussion and was able to write good quality code with proper classes.


Fourth Round (Managerial 30 mins ):

1  . General stuff around work

2 .  Behavior questions.


Fifth Round(Interview with team manager):-

1.  This round was specifically asked by me to have a word with team manager

2. To understand the work and responsibilities I will be dealing with.



**At the end I had a good level offer
Base : 29 lakhs/yr
Joining Bonus : 8 lakhs
Performance Bonus : 20%
Stocks : 110k USD
Planning to join microsoft as they provide best perks , benefits , stocks are great.
by Expert (30,360 points)