Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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Technical Round 1:


  • An easy Coding Problem which I don't recall now.
  • Questions on concepts of Rest APIs, HTTP v/s HTTPS, and some similar web tech related questions.


Technical Round 2:


  • Coding Problem: Find the first common node in two intersecting linkedlists.
    Same as
    I had a little bug in my code initially in handling the no intersection case, but I was able to identify and correct it myself so the interviewer liked that.
  • Then there were many questions on varying topics:
    • Threads and processes
    • Difference between concurrency and parallelism
    • Network Architecture layers
    • Different error codes on internet, what those codes mean, etc.
  • He also asked me if I have experience of Concurrent programming, Functional programming, Design Patterns. To which I clearly said NO.


PS: I wasn't expecting anything much after this round since I immediately NO to some questions. When I was interviewing with the company I wasn't sure if I really want to join them thus I gave all interviews with somewhat casual attitude. That is also the reason I could easily say no to those questions.


Technical Round 3:


  • Coding Problem: A dictionary based problem.
    Design a dictionary to search words with exactly one character modified of the original word given.
    Implement buildDict and search functions.
    I proposed two solutions -
    i) Using hashmap to store the words
    ii) Using Trie to store the words (for space optimisation)
    To save time, I coded the Hashmap solution (with the interviewer's consent). I designed the class and implemented above 2 functions.
  • He asked me many follow up questions on the coding problem. If there is such a system existing what would you do to handle very large number of users? How would you handle large number of incoming search requests? and so on.
  • Then we also discussed some System Design concepts like Horizontal Scaling, Load balancers, etc. (mostly in regards to scaling the above system)
  • And some networking related questions.


My thoughts/tips on the process:


  1. There was a clarity on what the process looks like which was good, and the process was comparitively fast as well.
  2. There was no managerial round/interaction which I didn't like. All interviews were taken by young engineers and no leadership was involved, which I didn't like personally. I like managerial rounds because it gives an idea of senior leadership of the company which also helps in making a final decision on candidate's side to join the company or not.
  3. Sometimes you might have to clarify a question 2 or 3 times because the interviewers are often not fluent with English.
  4. good understanding of CS fundamentals is also important.
by Expert (34,270 points)