Rounds - 4
-> 1st round - Behavioural test
-> 2nd round - Aptitude + Coding
In coding round 2 simpal questions were asked :
1)Find max from an array
2)Most frequent character in a string
->3rd round - Technical interview
Introduction then he asked me qustions regarding my project
after that questions on exception handling like how many catch we can use with try and why we use finally
difference between final vs finally vs finalize.
then some oops concept like pillars of oops and explanation about them then method overloading meyhod overriding ,what is data hiding also he asked me qustions about sql like define create,insert,what is database and how we insert data into databse.
Also he asked three coding questions like print pattern in pyramid shape and reverse the string and swap 2 numbers without using 3rd variable
-> 4th round : HR
Introduction , Why do you want to join HSBC , What are your goals , Do you work under pressure and all.