Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (34,270 points) | 2,209 views

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Status : 2.7 Years of Experience (Internship Included)
Position : Software Engineer at product based MNC


Round 1 : Problem Solving and DSA


Two Leetcode Easy/Medium problems. One was based on binary search (standard problem) and second was based on DP, modified version of Knapsack. Interviewer expected all the tests should pass.


Round 2 : Machine Coding Round


Modified version of Snake and Ladder. The Round was done on Hackerrank, the boilerplate code was already written, I was supposed to complete 2-3 methods given and implement classes and other methods as per need. They have test cases for the problem, tests should pass.


Interviewer also discussed about Concurrency handling.


Round 3 : HM Round


Discussion on current project and cross questions based on it, why this, why that kind of. Then one HLD problem, Interviewer wanted to know the approach, needed to design DB, and how to handle scale.


After this round, I got mail from HR after 1 week that current skillset doesn't match with the requirements.
It doesn't make sense, if HM round was the culprit then why giving results after a week?


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by Expert (34,270 points)