Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Service-based-companies by Expert (129,580 points) | 22,503 views

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Assuming you have TCS Ninja offer , you can follow this : 

———All updates about  New Wings 1 TSLP——

------->For Digital Profile 
-->You need to clear total 2 tracks-
 You need to clear any combination in the following way then only, u will be eligible for Digital
—Two Tech track (One pass and other Dist)
—One Tech and One non tech or unit elective or DCA Tech (Both Dist)
—One DCA Tech and one  non tech or unit elective (Both Dist)


All previously asked questions list in DCA exam :

Tech List—>Means Technology group
DCA Tech—>List- this is added new
Non-Tech-->Articulation, Process and Biz Skills
Unit Elective—>Unit wise Track
Exam Pattern
For Tech track -
MCQ And 1 Hands-on 
For Non-tech Track
MCQ, and MSQ 


------->For Innovators Profile
--> You need to complete  5 Track
In this Combination-->
coding challenge (from T1 to T9) + One biz skill (Dist) + One Process (Dist)+ One Articulation(Dist) + One Unit elective/ DCA Tech (Dist)


Most Asked Q&A related Wings 1——->

Q1. When will be the main assessment?
Ans- three in the year, May, Aug, and Nov.
Q2. How do I know I am eligible for the wings1?
Ans- Your grades should be less than C2, which means all new joiners and associates who have C1 or below grades(C1Y,  Y). ( U can check ur grade in the offer letter or compensation letter.)
Q3. If I am eligible, what do I do for the  Main assessment exam?
Ans-You needs to complete  Learning content with Hands-on or only Hands-on on that two tracks.
Q3. Where is content detail available?
Ans- It's available on Ievolve, id' 15205 for IT, 15206 for ITIS, For BPS/CBO- 17094, and For EIS/IOT-16285( IT/ITIS like this Stream u can check In your joining letter it's mentioned, and  if not able to understand about this which Stream you are, then   u can ask from HR or Supervisor or Unit TD)
Q4. How do I apply for apply WINGS 1 TSLP  May 2022 EXAM?
Ans- No needs to apply anywhere, u r already registered.
as of now, only complete that track and do hands-on. they will announce the survey form, this only u need to fill, it will be announced in March end or April.
Q5. The difficulty level of the exam?
Ans-  Exam is not Hard or not easy. U need to understand that technology and how u can apply it in real-world projects, and U need to do practice for this from Fresco play hand-on. then u can easily clear this exam. 
Q6- Exam will be From Home or Center?
Ans- Center.

  All about DCA Tech ---->

Q1. What is  DCA Tech Traks that newly added, How q they will ask in this?
Ans- DCA Tech, It's Focused on a particular Programing language, they added 21 as of now ( like Java, Angular, Python, Android... all lists u can check in knome). and for this no any course id and not any syllabus,  bcoz it's similar to  Previous DCA but in this no Aptitude or logic like q. it'll be only coding or coding q with some  MCQ q,  they can add. but all q will be on that programing related only.
Q2. what types of q we can expect on DCA Tech?
Ans- In this,  they have not provided more details yet, but u will get  1 or 2 q  and it could be like Problem-based q or HackerEarth challenges like q or CodeVita like q on that Particular language. 

Some Extra point For Innovators profile--->
Q1. If I am on a digital profile from previous  TSLP/DCA. Now what do, I do for the Innovators profile.
Ans-   For the Innovators profile, u need to complete 5 Tracks,  so for this, first check In iEvolve Dashboard, how many tracks u completed as of now. then complete the remaining track that is required for the Innovators profile. if you have completed Total of 5 tracks then you'll be eligible for Innovator rewards.


by Expert (129,580 points)
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