Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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4 Answers

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On Psychology

I have been in exactly the same place. Psychologically you have to come to terms with something. NOBODY LEARNS TO DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. Just let yourself get a result of any kind. That means being DRY and writing at the proper level of abstraction comes later. Resign yourself to throwing away your first baby after several rounds of refactoring…. And most answers being kinda half-assed on the coding forums.

Also, ALL LANGUAGES ARE FLAWED. If you look for the perfect OOP or FUNCTIONAL approach in a given situation, chances are you'll realize it's not there!!! You’ll find lots of things work really great but if you work hard enough you’ll find the ugly void. Everyone does eventually. Just learn the way that you can best remember and move on. You’ll be back… ;)

A Practical Path

I wouldn't recommend this path to someone without your background. It risks too many pigeonholes for the neophyte.

What you need is a stack that gives instant gratification. You need minimal configuration so you don't get bogged down in editing she'll scripts. And you need aspects of that chain to become intelligible to you as your knowledge expands.

If your environment is a *nix and hasn't taken too much of a beating from various installs from failed development attempts, install on it. Ifnot, stand up a fresh virtual machine with Ubuntu or something.

Install git, node.js and then harp.js. Don't bother with databases, connectors to your favorite api or any of that shit yet.

Lesson 1 - follow the harp.js directions till you're looking at your first page. Play around till you're familiar with jade and markdown. Pay special attention to adding tags and scripts to the page. Use HTMLTidy, JSBeautify, or whatever to look at the out put and compare it to the input. Congratulations you're using a rendering engine and you're learning 3 markup languages and a bit of CSS and LESS at the same time.

Lesson 2 - Learn how to change CSS attributes for standard tags, classes and ids. The learn to use variables, loops and conditionals in LESS. Learn how to include another LESS file. Harp.js will do the rendering work for you. Congratulations, you now know how to apply the three core grammars of a programming language to do something cool in a language that is EVERYWHERE.

Lesson 3 - Get the source code package for BOOTSTRAP. Copy the LESS files into the right spot and include bootstrap.less in your less file.

Go through the CSS section on the bootstrap site and play with tags and content. Congratulations, you're using a library to speed the process of doing something you already have the skills to do yourself. Go look at some of those LESS files and CAREFULLY READ THEM. Enjoy understanding someone else's code.

Lesson 4 - Use JAVASCRIPT to replace the content of a div or other DOM tag. Replace everything with a p tag with the word, "Suweet!" Now learn how to make an array and access an element of that array. Make "suweet" the 3rd element in the array and replace all the p tags with it. Now learn how to iterate through the array and display a list.

Lesson 5 - Spend a few days learning simple Javascript stuff from Thau's book or W3Schools. Have some fun with it. Learn how to make objects and access their properties and methods. Then learn to use a callback function. Notice I said, "Learn to use...." Understanding the callback function might be SUPER irritating at this point.

Congratulations you've had some fun with a language and finished up by learning the feature that will betray you constantly until you master it - then, if you're really as versed in theory as you say, it will make you feel dirty. Javascript without mastering the callback is a toy. With it, it's a slowly collapsing black hole that will eat the lives of a generation of developers.

DEAL WITH IT. Magic always betrays you. Complexity management is a boring drag like buying insurance. That's why nobody does it. Worry about it when you're further along the learning curve.

You can hardly get anything done on the Web without Javascript. JQUERY, NODE.JS and the rest of the pony show use callbacks and nested callbacks for EVERYTHING. Don't fear using deep nests of callbacks, you'll be in good company and have some ugly war stories to share.

Lesson 6 - Learn basic JQUERY. Do the same things from lesson 5 but do them the JQUERY way.

Lesson 7 - Get bootstrap fully folded into your harp.js playground. Make version 0 of your personal website with it using LESS and the rest of what you've learned.

Lesson 8 - build a reply form that uses node.js to send you an alert.

Lesson 9 - use what you've learned so far to make a publish-to-site.js file that automates harp.js publishing your site as static html via SFTP or some other secure protocol.

At this point you've created a really sophisticated toolchain for building and managing your web site. It should be easy to operate and maintain and should also stay FAR out of the way of any cool web app stuff you might want to try. You have many of the benefits of Wordpress without being stuck in the Wordpress world running off of mySQL.

If you get this far and nothing has grabbed you.... Do Python the Hard Way all the way to the end, then focus entirely on something like text processing until RegEx is a second language. Then learn everything you can about Bayes - start with the Statistics class at Udacity. ;)

Ultimately, you learn a language by constantly attempting to express ideas with it. Coding is no different. Speak pidgin for a while, eventually things will click.
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  1. Learn smart - science says that it is better to learn 1h/day than once a week for 7 hours. That’s because your brain needs suitable intervals to keep information for such a long time. Also, the easiest way to memorize is to collect information by practice.
  2. Take care of yourself - your brain works best when you are in good condition. Our brains works better when we are rested regardless of whether we are studying for an exam or learning programming.
  3. Divide big problem into small ones - the code structure will be more transparent. It will be easier for you to solve a small problem and you will be able to enjoy a small success instead of feeling unable to solve a big problem.
  4. Learn basics first - the general programming concepts are basically the same in most languages. When you will learn the basics, science will be easier for you and therefore you will not lose motivation so quickly.
  5. Use varied sources - You can start learning from free sources (Codecademy - learn to code, interactively, for free or Free Coding Guide for Beginners), but if you want to get some real knowledge, I would recommend to read books: Check The Self-Taught Programmer: The Definitive Guide to Programming Professionally (by Cory Althoff). Using different sources you will not get bored so quickly and your motivation will not fall. Also read documentations and discover libraries.
  6. Talk to more experienced colleagues - the most we can learn from others. You can find such people on the Quora, LinkedIn or on-line forums.

Read more here: How to learn programming?

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You can and you will learn coding at home without losing motivation.Coding is something which comes only by practicing and it requires a lot of patience Initially you will feel frustrated because of errors that might happen because of carelessness or your inability to understand the problem but don’t loose hope It takes a lot of time to be good at something be it coding or anything else.

Remember A castle is not built in a day It takes years and years of daily work by people involved in building the castle.

I’ll tell you my experience of How I started with coding May be it might help you in your endeavor to learn coding

I did my graduation from third tier college in Delhi where there was no environment for coding . So I used to mug up the programs before the exam and spill that on the answer sheet. But looking back I can now say it was not the good thing to do. It all started when I went for my master’s at NIT Jamshedpur. In the first year itself I was fascinated by the things happening to the people because of coding. Those things were students from final year getting placed at very high packages because of being good at coding. Software companies pays a lot if you are particularly good in coding. So after talking to few of them I realized that If I want to see myself getting placed at higher package then I have to be really good at coding. So for me at that point of time getting good package in final year of my post graduation was a sole motivation to do good in coding.But now things have changed from monetary aspect to creating an impact. There should be some driving force when you start to learn something It keeps you going in the long run. I will suggest you to keep some target while coding that will help you to stay motivated.

For learning How to code for a beginner I will suggest you to start with c and learn everything that is there in this language that will help you to learn another language easily as only syntax differs among languages and other constructs like loops and control statements remains same. There are tons of resources available on Internet sites like

udacity,coursera,udemy,edx-For pursing free as well as paid certification courses.

stackoverflow- For getting your doubts cleared if you have any.

tutorials point-For everything

geeksforgeeks-For Interviews

javatpoint-For everything

phptpoint-For php

w3schools- For web

And do everything from web to android that will help you to choose where your interest lies and then be extremely good at it.
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When I was 12 years old, I too wanted to learn coding. Since I had to learn C++ the next year in school, I choose C++ as my first language. I picked up the largest C++ reference book (1000+ pages) from my school library and started *reading* it. I didn’t write a single line of code. And guess what? I lost interest within days.

Lessons learnt: Start small. Pick a simple first language. Start with a small book. Never *read* from it.

The next year I had to learn C++ as part of my school syllabus. I was gifted a really good teacher. She took special interest in me, coached me things from outside the syllabus, and motivated me a lot. This time I *read* less and coded more. I still remember my teacher’s angry face and all the shouting when all students had failed in a class test, but I had scored full marks. I now had to live up to the expectations of everyone, even if that meant coding past midnight.

Lessons learnt: Find a good mentor & teacher. Code more, read less. Take motivation from everything around you.

Few years later, I was looking to make some good cash. So I spammed a social network with an ad - $100 for a website. I easily made couple of thousands simply by learning WordPress. I wanted to make more, and started charging my clients a lot more and thus went on to learn HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP and MySQL.

Lessons learnt: Money is always a good motivator.

I was now part of a team of designers & developers, and we had to design some websites for our college. We used to argue a lot about the designs, but could always decide on a final design. We could now skip classes (we had the permission for it) without affecting our attendance, and work on the websites.

Lessons learnt: Always surround yourselves with good coders and those willing to learn. Peer pressure will compel you to learn. Reward yourselves after you learn something.
by Expert (111,330 points)