Problem Statement
Somewhere, at some point of time, there was/will be a vehicular traveling system where 1 Kilometre is the basic unit of traversal, that is a vehicle can either stay at rest or can travel distance which is multiple of 1 Km i. e., 2, 3, 4, 10, 35 Km are valid but 2.5, 6.34, 0.25 Km are invalid.
During the age of this system, there is a traffic policeman who stands at the intersection of 4 roads. Due to Development in the City, there are a few barriers placed on some of the roads at some distance from the intersection point.
Measurements are according to the cartesian coordinates, each unit representing a kilometer. You enter into the system and are provided with a coordinate of the Intersection point and the maximum north distance a vehicle can cover, the maximum eastern distance a vehicle can cover and the coordinates of the barrier.
You have to tell the sum of the total kilometers in which the policeman has the vicinity.
The Coordinate of Intersection point: 4, 3
The maximum north distance = 8Km
The maximum East distance = 8Km
Coordinates of barrier = (1, 3); (4, 6); (5, 3).
First- line contains 2 integers denoting maximum north and east distance.
Second- line contains 2 integers denoting the coordinate of the intersection.
the third line contains an integer ‘k’ denoting the number of barriers
next line contains the coordinate of barriers.
1<=north distance, east distance<=10000
(0, 0) <=coordinates of intersection<= (10000, 10000)
1<=number of barriers<=1000
(0, 0) <=coordinates of barriers<= (10000, 10000)
An integer denoting the sum of the kilometers in which the police officer has his vicinity.
Sample Input:
8 8
4 3
1 3 4 6 5 3
Sample output: