Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 593 views

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I had 4 rounds of interview after completing the technical phone screen initially.


Round 1: Coding


Two engineers(one was a shadow)


Design a interval system which takes in a stream of intervals coming into the system and gets registered at first.
We have another method IntervalCheck() where some time interval passed as input. The function should return true or false.
True-> whether the interval is already there
False-> Not avaialble


I was able to come up with 4 approaches with different time/space complexity, but interviewer kept asking what other ways i can do.
I think I wasn't able to deliver the one he was expecting, at the end I wrote a solution using treeMap(workable solution).


Round 2: System Design


This was system design, design a calendar system where user can send multiple invitations(large scale) at the same time.
This was more interactive, but again interviewer was focusing on something else and was expecting certain technologies that he wants to use.
I also brought the DB schema design and what all functionalities we can cover.


What I learnt here is -> focus on functionalities that intervierwer is looking for and design schema accordingly where data retrieval can be simple.


Round 3: Coding


Two engineers, I was asked two questions.


1st question -> construct a binary tree and create a function which will check whether the tree is same or not(asked both iterative and recursive approach) -> also asked what is the disadvantage of recursive approach.


2nd question -> Find Kth element from a target element in BST, i used a heap to solve this.


Again, both questions were very interactive and we talked about multiple approaches before jumping to code.


Round 4: Technical discussion


Two engineers, they want me to describe a project and walk them through the entire process and how critical was my contribution. This also went more into behavioral kind. I talked about 2 projects and I was asked to architect on white board and show them the technical knowledge I hold within me.


Overall a very nice experience with all engineers!


One drawback i see in this interview was, Interviewers have a solution in their mind and they expect us to give the same exact solution which kind of looks weird, because everyone cannot know the same solution always within the given amount of time, its pretty hard to come up with the same solution they are expecting, lol !


Got update from recruiter after a week, that the team cannot extend offer at this time!

by Expert (30,360 points)

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