Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Job Opportunities by Expert (1,360 points) | 1,493 views

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PhonePe hiring

Role: Software Engineer
Compensation: 30 LPA 
Batch: 2021 & before


  • 1-3 year of experience in the art of writing code and solving problems on a Large Scale.
  • B.Tech/ Graduation in Computer Science or related technical discipline (or equivalent).
  • Exposure to at least one general programming language (e. g. Java, C, C++) & tech stack to write maintainable, scalable, unit-tested code.
  • Experience with multi-threading, concurrency programming, object-oriented design skills, knowledge of design patterns, and huge passion and ability to design intuitive modules, class-level interfaces and knowledge of Test driven development.
  • Good understanding of databases (e. g. MySQL) and NoSQL (e. g. HBase, Elasticsearch, Aerospike, etc).
  • Strong desire for solving complex and interesting real-world problems.
  • Go-getter attitude that reflects in energy and intent behind assigned tasks
  • An open communicator who shares thoughts and opinions frequently listens intently and takes constructive feedback.
  • Ability to break-down larger/fuzzier problems into smaller ones in the scope of the product.
  • Understanding of the industry's coding standards and an ability to create appropriate technical documentation.

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by Expert (1,360 points)