- Design Parking Lot
- Single Entry and Exit Gates
- Multiple Entry and Exit Gates
- Design Multiplayer Sudoku Game
- Players have to Rotate the Pin in order to decide the turn.
- Player who is able to fill the last empty cell will win.
- Design LRU (Static + Dynamic Input Flow)
- Follow Up : Implement LFU with Least Changes in the previous design (LRU)
- Design In Memory Cache
- Design Snake and Ladder Game
- How would you change the design if wild cards are allowed.
- Design Exception Class With Test Cases
- Note: Don't forget to use Singleton Pattern Here.
- Design Money Splitter
- Design Notification Service
- Design Message Queue
- Design a Terminal/Command Prompt
- Design Whatsapp
- Design Uber Backend
- Design Tiny URL
- Design Dream11
- Design Leetcode
- Design MS Teams
- Design Dominos/PizzaHut
- Design Big Bazaar
- Design Zomato/Swiggy
- Design Docker
/ :
- Reverse Vowels in the string.
- Longest Palindromic Substring.
- Find the largest island in Matrix of 0s and 1s
- Longest Repeating Subsequence
- Compress and Uncompress a Tree/Graph/LinkedList
- All Variations of Jump Game
- All Variations of Stocks Buy and Sell DP
- Word Search 1/2
- Median of 2 sorted arrays
- Kth largest/smallest element in the rowwise and columnwise sorted Matrix
Note: All the above questions are sorted by their Frequency.