Number of Islands,
Level Order (and Zigzag) Tree Traversal,
Word Series (Word Ladder 1 & 2, Word Break 1 & 2, Word Search 1 & 2).
"parking lot" OOD question
Bloomberg | Software Engineering Intern | London | January 2020 [Offer] - LeetCode Discuss
Amazon Dublin Ireland | Onsite - SDE New Grad 2021 | Income Calculator - LeetCode Discuss
What are Design patterns? example and explanation? https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-experience/1060893/amazon-sde-new-grad-2021-dublin-experience-offer
Round2 Onsite: This was a class design. In the beginning, there were 2 LP questions then he asked how a hash table is implemented as a starter and then asked to design a file system and implement search on the filesystem based on certain parameters (like file size creation date etc)
Round 3: Bar raiser Basically asked LP questions and asked to Design a task scheduler (in memory) and then implement a function that finds the time a certain task takes to complete (given that there exist tasks that have to be executed before it )
Round 4: Simple Number of islands question along with LP questions
1 OOP questions variant of UNIX command, Game of Life Question and Iterator Question.
Remove all duplicate numbers from a list.
https://leetcode.com/problems/min-stack/ However, it came with the constraint that we would be needing extra O(n) space. I was also asked to implement exception handling to deal with situations when you call pop() or getMin() on an empty stack.
First round: 2-3 behavioral questions followed by a coding question. The question was given a binary tree find a subtree within the binary tree that adds up to a certain target sum.
Second round: 2-3 behavoral questions followed by an OOD question. The question was a bit vague and I had a hard time understanding their english but essentially it was to design a wharehouse class that had certain constraints such that the particular wharehouse could only store certain products.
Fourth round: 2-3 behavioral questions. This was another coding round, which involved taking a string that say said "This sweater cost $40 dollars." The objective was to take that number and apply a 20% discount and return the string back with the updated price, i.e., "This sweater cost $32 dollars.".
This round was interesting since it was not any of the Leetcode questions. I was given certain conditions for a valid transaction and I had to write a function that will determine if the transaction is valid or not. The goal of this round was to see how I can write a maintainable and scalable code. For example, how can we add more conditions for a valid transaction and still not alter the main function very much. I had LP questions as part of this round also.
Find the count of a given sequence that appears in an array. There can be any amount of characters between the numbers of the sequence. ex 4,5,6,2 would have a count of 1.
sequence 4,6,2
array [ 3, 4, 4, 6, 7, 8 , 2, 6, 9, 2]
count of sequences: 6
2 LP´s and Medium exercise on Trie Structure (make sure you know how to use a Trie, the Explore section here has a really good card on it). Really similar to an Amazon tagged exercise.
2 LP´s, then started with an extremely simple exercise, and afterwards, the interviewer started adding complexity, to see how I adapted my solution so that it scaled. The interviewer was testing my knowledge on Object Oriented Design, which I use in my everyday work, but had not prepared for the interview. This was almost a disaster, my solution was far from good.
Course Schedule II -
Given huge database of sentences, write a class to find most frequently used words
Questions on data structures like array list, linked list, hash table, binary search tree. Differences between these data structures and when would you use which one. Inheritance and Composition.
Coding: Design a Tic Tac Toe Game
Given a graph and destination D, find shortest path between all nodes. Not given any graph implementation, and input is a list of edges ([1,2,3] = Node 1 to Node 2, distance 3). Had to implement my own adjacency list and "nodes" (Dijkstra's Algorithm)
Similar to this question, but exclude the combined word (ex. instead of [['car','super', 'supercar'], the answer is [['car','super'],)https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-question/314550/amazon-onsite-interview-concatenated-words
Design a system to generate and apply coupons for e-commerce site based on product and its category.
Find the next value from the target node using BST
Longest common prefix among an array of strings - but the longest between any two (instead of the longest in all)
K most frequent items(item_id) in a stream. Input is a stream of (item_id,timestamp).
This I was able to easily solve using hashmap and min-heap
Then, Interviewer asked me to find frequent items in last hour given a timestamp.
For example, Given time 6:07 PM, Return k most frequent items from 5:07 PM to 6:07 PM.
Gave an answer using queue, hashmap and min-heap, Not an optimal answer, But it worked.