Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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hello everyone, I just completed the dsa course in java and practicing cp and basic dsa questions side by side but facing slight confusion as when I start solving code chef questions I face slight difficulty in sometimes with approach and sometimes with optimization like I get scared with seeing the question and couldn't get the solution and thinks like how can I get into coding interviews of big companies and how will i pass and this question scares me up , soo please help how can I be confident enough to solve these questions and also interview too , I get panic on solving interview problems too!
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Answer to your question is *practice* , *being detached from the fruits of your results* and *having fun during the process/journey* .

I would suggest to complete 50-60 problems from this list to create strong foundation for CP and coding interviews :

After that start practicing many problems from arrays , strings and implementation from leetcode and geeksforgeeks . Focus on binary search and hashing side by side .

Only after doing these, shift to CP . Logic of problems will come to you only after sufficient level of practice . Mark my words.

For mastering coding interviews , read this :

For mastering leetcode :

For mastering CP :



by Expert (128,600 points)
Cp vs Development Time Management