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CoderPad question of Goldman Sachs - 29th April 2022
Interviewer was very helpful, and question was also of easy level.
Q. Return the start index and length of the longest substring having identical characters in a given String.
i/p : S = "aabbbbbccddb"
o/p: [2,5]
explaination : As longest substring is 'bbbbb' of length 5 and start index as 2
i/p: S = "aabbb22rrrrr345571111111"
o/p: [17,7]
explaination : As '1111111' is the longest substring of length 7 and start index =17

I used sliding window to solve this. Please comment for the solution.

public class GSLongestSubString {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        String s1 = "aabbbbbccddb";
        String s2 = "aabbb22rrrrr345571111111";
        String s3 = "aaaabbeedddd";
        System.out.println("\n----------------"+"For Given String: "+s1+"----------------");
        System.out.println("\n----------------"+"For Given String: "+s2+"----------------");
        System.out.println("\n----------------"+"For Given String: "+s3+"----------------");
    public static void callLongestSubstring(String s){
        int maxLen=0,start=0,end=0,len=0,startIndex=0;
            System.out.println("start: "+start+" end: "+end+"  len: "+len+"  maxLen: "+
                    maxLen+"  startIndex: "+startIndex);
        System.out.println("Start Index= "+startIndex+" Longest Length= "+maxLen);
by Expert (30,360 points)