Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 634 views

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First Interviewing SDE at Amazon AWS US on Sep 29th from 9am - 2pm

Total 4 rounds

LP questions: Each round had contained 20-25mins LP behavior questions, they really went deep into those questions and asked lots of follow-ups.
The rest was coding part. OOD part they always want you to design something scalable.

First Round

OOD: Asked you to design something to determine whether the product can be delivered to customer's address.
you have to design Customer, Product. Customer contains Address...etc. It requires to be scalable such that zipcodes are not fixed/given, you have to write a function to check if zipcode is vaild and within deliverable range.
Basically it is like a Delivery app design.

Second Round
Problem prompt is very similar to Coin Change and Combination Sum.
Ask you to return the min combination of the denominations that can sum up to a target, but interviewer changed it to every denomination can only be used once and there must be one possible combination from the given double[denomination] and no need to consider if total sum of denomination will go beyond the target(like remainder = sum-arr[i], remainder will always >=0, wired but ok)

The interviewer changed it to a very easy problem so you only need to use greedy approach and treverse from end to beginning. I was writing the code as each denomination can be used multiple times which required DP or recursion. When interviewer mentioned bill can be only used once, I was like -_-\\.

Third Round
A BFS + queue problem on a grid. (forgot what exactly it was...) Did not have time to complete entire problem, went over with interviewer together.

Fourth Round
OOD: Design an employee object and it has date of join, salary, address...etc
You have to come up with a method to random generate an amount of employees and their DOJ, Zipcode are also randomly generated.
Another method to search employee that are just randomly generated based on their zipcode/salary.

It most likely will be a Reject to me but that is all I had for this virtual onsite interview at Amazon.
Pls upvote if you found it's useful :) Good luck everyone!
by Expert (30,360 points)