Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 538 views

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Interview Process

I was notified by Infosys regarding the InfyTq Upgrade Test exam timing and other details before the exam through the mail.

The First round was a simple HackerRank Exam for 3 Hours and we were given 3 questions to solve.

There were 3 rounds in Hack With Infy Test:-

  1. Round 1 – Online Contest
  2. Round 2 – Online Contest (level hard than the first round)
  3. Round 3– Grand Finale a 24-hour hackathon at Infosys Campus

Round 1 Coding Test

Out of the three questions, the first one was easy, the last two were of moderate-high Difficulty.

You should have good knowledge of Backtracking and Dynamic Programming to solve them. 

I remember some of the questions which were as follows: –

  • There was a cricket team where every day a player goes missing. Identify the missing players given the shirt numbers of the players for k days.
  • What Do you mean by Object-Relational DBMS?
  • What is Database Schema?
  • What is the difference between the foreign key and the reference key?

Round 2 Coding Test:

  • There were also 3 questions in the second round.
  • There were 2 roles based on the questions you have attempted. 
  1. Role 1: System Engineer Specialist
  2. Role 2: Power Programmer Role

Important Note: 

  • Candidates who solved more than 2 Questions were eligible for the Power Programmer Role.
  • I solved one and a half questions and later received a mail from Infosys that I was eligible for System Engineer Specialist Role Interview.

Round 3: 24 hours hackathon round

  • I appeared in the final round. I went to give a 24 hrs hackathon at the venue decided by Infosys.
  • The difficulty level of the paper was very high.

Luckily, I cleared the final round of Infosys Hack with Infy Drive and got a chance to appear for Infosys Interview.

Interview Round After Clearing all 3 rounds

I attended the final interview where I was asked questions mostly on my projects. Some of the questions are as follows:

  1. Explain About Your projects
  2. What are the requirements of your projects
  3. Explain about KNN(as I have mentioned Machine Learning in my resume)
  4. What do you know about java?
  5. How do you sort a linked list (Not By Swapping their values)
  6. Prime Number Program with low time complexity
  7. Explain about Incremental Model(Software Engineering)
  8. Explain about the Software Development Life Cycle?
  9. Why do you want to join Infosys?

and Other basic HR Questions.

I answered each and every question confidently, I was getting the feeling that I will be selected and finally that day arrived after around 1 week and I got the mail from the Infosys about my selection and I felt very nice and I was the happiest person at that time.


by Expert (30,360 points)