Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 4,540 views

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Overall interview experience was really pleasant. I used LC to discuss a lot in my 2 month prep, happy to contribute back my interview experience here.
Interview Rounds


  • 1 Phone Screening
  • 2 Coding round
  • 1 Design + Coding round
  • 1 Googliness
  • 1 System Design

Phone Screen


A medium backtracking problem to return all possible String that can be generated from a RegEx pattern.


Onsite Interview


Round 1 - Coding Question
A simplified version of ->


  • Asked a few clarifying questions.
  • Explained the approach I was going to follow. Wrote the code.




Round 2 - Design + Coding Question
A complex version of ->


  • I was able to identify that this problem can be solved using the Union-Find(DSU) algorithm.
  • Explained the same to the interview. Interviewer want to design this algorithm in a Distributed manner.
  • Got confused and was not able to understand the task completely.




Round 3 - Coding Question
A medium question similer to ->


  • Explained the approach I was going to follow and wrote the code.
  • Discussed the complexity(both space and time).
  • Interview want me to improve the time complexity of a particular edge case.
  • I was not able to come up with an improved solution.




Round 4 - Googliness
As expected, different scenario based questions from past experiences.


Round 5 - System Design Question
Design a fraudulent user request blocking mechanism(Prevent DDOS attack) for Social media like Twitter.


  • Asked a lot of clarifying questions and Wrote down the use-case on the shared doc.
  • Explained the approach I was going to follow. Created a High level design diagram in Google Doc.
  • The interview was really good and helpful, I felt like he was directing me to different areas of design to measure my L5 level understanding.
  • Even though I had technical understanding required to answer the design questions, I was lacking enough preparation to present it in an interview setting.




Final Result


  • Reject
  • Contacted the recruiter through mail after 3 weeks.
  • Recruiter setup some time the next day for a quick call and shared the result.


Mistakes and Learnings


  • All the questions were LC medium but tricky once.
  • I should have polished my Design presentation skills and attended a few mock design interviews.
  • Encouraging others to take Mock Design interviews.



by Expert (30,360 points)

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