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What advice can you give to new programmers?
in Beginners by | 1,993 views

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  • Practice makes perfection. I can’t elaborate more than this.
  • Don’t be disappointed if you see code and apps that look pretty complicated. Believe me, those who made such apps like Instagram, WhatsApp or Facebook have practiced a decade, maybe decades, to make such apps. You need time. The difference between a master and a beginner is time.
  • You need a good team that inspires you and push you beyond your limits.
  • Write clear and readable codes along with comments. It will help you to read your own code after a decade and let other programmers know what you did.
  • Syntax should be written with utmost concentration. A little syntax mistake can rise lots of problem, like forgetting a semicolon or writing fuction() instead of function().
  • Write meaningful and simple names for your variables, functions or whatever plus master reading others’ code. Again, I can’t stress it more than this, for others already did.
  • There is no such big problem in coding. There is always a set of small problems that forms that big problem.
  • Read a lot of books. Books have always been the best resources to learn anything. Read at least 100 books about your major.
  • Don’t think you are bored while coding. The bitter truth is that you are not bored; you are just not motivated.
  • Don’t always believe in YouTubers, saying top 10 programming language to learn in 2018. When you see the list, Pascal comes first.
  • Don’t worry about the time to learn coding. It usually takes a decade to master a language. Just make sure you are not going astray. Every good thing needs time. Don’t hurry to make stuffs done overnight.

I mean, the real story is actually probably pretty boring, right? I mean, we just sat at our computers for six years and coded.

~ Mark Zuckerberg
