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I am really proficient at Cpp. How can I quickly learn Java. Like I am struggling with basics like instead of max in CPP we need to write maths.max in java. How do I get to know these. Online learning is really slow, as they teach basics and logics. I don't want that, that is clear.

In simple words do we have any cheat sheet for Java. For people who are really experienced in CPP. ??
related to an answer for: How can I improve my programming skills?
in Beginners by | 2,232 views

1 Answer

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If you are already proficient with cpp, then learning other languages like python and java are no big deal. You just need to learn the syntax which would hardly take you 15 days if worked consistently. After learning the syntax, start practicing to write programs starting from questions like factorial of a number, reverse a number, palindrome, Armstrong number, anagrams etc. Practice is the key. The more you practice, the more you'd be able to grasp the concepts.

Talking about the cheat sheet, I am attaching here some downloadable pdf links which I got from the internet, hope it'll help :)