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in Tutorials-Roadmap by Expert (111,330 points) | 1,636 views

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Most important topics related to OS/DBMS/OOPS/CN.


Important Topic for OS


  • Process (Attributes, state, life cycle, PCB) vs Thread.
  • Scheduling Algorihtms
  • Multiprogramming vs Multiprocessing vs Multitasking vs Multithreading.
  • Memory Allocation
    • Fixed Partioning
    • Dynamic Partioning
    • Paging
    • Segmentation
  • Internal and External Fragmentation.
  • Memory Allocation Technique.
  • Page replacement Algos
  • Deadlock
  • Critical section problem
  • Benefits of a multiprocessor system
  • RAID structure in OS and different levels of RAID Configration.
  • Bootstrap program in OS
  • Demand paging
  • RTOS
  • IPC
  • Main Memory Vs Secondary Memory
  • Mutex vs Semaphore


Important Topic for DBMS


  • Advantage of DBMS
  • All type of Keys
  • Normalization
  • SQL queries
  • Relational Algebra
  • Joins
  • Database and it's Utility
  • Languages in DBMS
  • Null vs Blank spaces, or Zero
  • Data Warehousing
  • Levels of data abstraction in DBMS
  • Entity - Relationship (E-R) Model
  • Trigger, cursor, view
  • Dirty read problem
  • Conflict serializable vs View serializable.
  • ACID properties.
  • Indexing | Indexing methods


Important Topic for COMPUTER NETWORK


  • Network Topology
  • Switch hub router bridge
  • Transmission modes
  • ipv4 vs ipv6
  • subnetting in IP
  • Ethernet
  • Media Access Control and Address Resolution Protocols
  • witches, wireless access points, routers, modems
  • Firewalls, TCP ports, UDP ports
  • OSI layer
  • TCP/IP model
  • ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request Technique)
  • Transmission Modes
  • TCP vs UDP
  • Flow vs Error control


Important Topic for OOPS


  • Class and Objects.
  • Feature/characteristics of OOPs.
  • Advantages of OOPs.
  • OOPs so Popular ?
  • Compile time and Runtime polymorphism.
  • Variable scopes.
  • static (variables, Functions, Objects).
  • Inheritence (Type and Mode)
  • Virtual (Functions and Class)
  • Abstract class and Interface.
  • Friend function and Friend class.
  • Call by value, refrence.
  • This pointer
  • Abstraction
  • Exception Handling
  • Constructor and Destructor.
  • Copy constructor
  • copy assignemnt operator
  • Refrences variable
  • Const (variable, Function, Arguement)
  • Overloading (Function, Constructor, Operator)
  • Function overriding and Inline function.
by Expert (111,330 points)